
GLUTEX Sanitizers from Dow for use against H1N1 virus

The recent reported cases of "swine influenza" have been identified as a new Influenza Type A strain of H1N1, combining genetic material from avian, swine and human influenza. Dow Microbial Control has developed proprietary formulated GLUTEX Sanitizers which have been proven efficient against other Influenza Type A Viruses such as Avian Influenza Virus strain H6N2.Glutaraldehyde-based products, such as GLUTEX, has also been identified by the World Health Organization (WHO), as an effective sanitizer against the Avian Influenza virus… read more

The recent reported cases of "swine influenza" have been identified as a new Influenza Type A strain of H1N1, combining genetic material from avian, swine and human influenza. Dow Microbial Control has developed proprietary formulated GLUTEX Sanitizers which have been proven efficient against other Influenza Type A Viruses such as Avian Influenza Virus strain H6N2.Glutaraldehyde-based products, such as GLUTEX, has also been identified by the World Health Organization (WHO), as an effective sanitizer against the Avian Influenza virus… read more

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