
New Issue of Journal of Business Ethics (volume 73, number 3)

The recent issue of the Journal of Business Ethics (volume 73, number 3) contains:

Corporate Directors and Social Responsibility: Ethics versus Shareholder Value, by Rose, J., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 73, number 3, pages 319-331, 2007.

Revisiting the Concept of a Societal Orientation: Conceptualization and Delineation, by Kang, G. -D. and James, J., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 73, number 3, pages 301-318, 2007.

Spirituality In (and Out) of the Classroom: A Pragmatic Approach, by Pava, M.L., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 73, number 3, pages 287-299, 2007.

Assessing Managers’ Ethical Decision-making: An Objective Measure of Managerial Moral Judgment, by Loviscky, G., Treviv±o, L. and Jacobs, R., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 73, number 3, pages 263-285, 2007.

An Exploratory Study of Counterexplanation as an Ethical Intervention Strategy, by Chung, J. and Monroe, G.S., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 73, number 3, pages 245-261, 2007.

A New Approach to Resolving the Right-to-work Ethical Dilemma, by Lam, H. and Harcourt, M., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 73, number 3, pages 231-243, 2007.

Further information about this issue, including abstracts are available at

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